Mentalism For Beginners

Mind Reading Techniques

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Believe it or not but you can actually teach yourself a simple Mind Reading Trick with a little practice and a few easy to practice tips!
Following these 4-Simple Tips carefully and you'll be reading the minds of your family and friends in no time at all and with a little practice the star attraction at every party.

If your serious about Mentalism or just doing it for fun believe me the more you work at it the more rewarding it will be after a few weeks you'll be reading the minds of every person you meet.

1. Find somewhere quiet,Take a breath and clear your mind of all stress,Thoughts and worries that comes with everyday life. When you feel your ready open your mind to the people and possibilities in your surroundings. (Don’t think about anything) Take a moment to Feel everything around you. Become one with your environment and the person you have chosen to perform this Mind Reading Technique on.

2. Understanding the person is really IMPORTANT here, Stare at the person, Really focus on them. Taking in all the energies and feelings your picking up from them. Then take a moment to take in all the surroundings around that person including the sofa they are sitting on, The painting on the wall behind them and so on.
This will give you a feel for Who/what the person is or isn’t, Cutting out all the negative interference that flows around all of us.

3. Look the person in the eyes and focus for 15- 20 seconds and quickly turn away. Visualize what you seen  in your mind The face, The eyes. Now ask yourself what do you feel about this person. This is the moment your mind will enter a state and you will be tuned in to the person’s thoughts. Let as many as possible fill your mind.

4. Start a conversation with the person. At this point your mind will literally be filled with the persons thoughts, feelings,plans,pets,what they had for breakfast. Trust your instincts. Act on your thoughts right away you will be surprised.

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